The non-profit association St Lawrence Society was founded April 29, 2010 in Estonia, Harju county, Kuusalu. The organization aims to promote the borough of Kuusalu abroad and at home, and organize cultural events. The society´s name has been chosen after the patron saint of Spain, St. Lawrence, whom the Kuusalu Church has been dedicated to and whose attribute, the gridiron, is depicted on Kuusalu´s coat of arms.
Contact: sulev@jti.ee (can be contacted in English)
Kuusalu Church
Translated by Richard Tomusk (2011)

The Gothic Revival-styled Church of Kuusalu reached completion in 1890. The rebuild was engineered by Friedrich Axel von Howen, who was also the constructional advisor of Tallinn. The church has been here since the 13th century.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010

One characteristic of the Gothic Revival style is the Gothic arch.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010

The stone cross above the portal of the Church of Kuusalu.
Photo: ©Sulev Valdmaa, 2010

The face of the clock of the Church of Kuusalu’s belfry.
Photo: ©Sulev Valdmaa, 2010
An interior view of the Church of Kuusalu (the nave, the transept crossing it, and the sanctuary).
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The sanctuary of the Church of Kuusalu.
Foto: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010

The altar of the Church of Kuusalu. Elert Thiele is the author of the altar wall completed in 1665. The altar’s important details include the fully plastic figures of Moses (symbol – the Decalogue) and John the Baptist (depicted with a lamb and a cross) and the angel-headed gnarled ornaments that decorate the platform on which the altar stands – the predella. “Christ on the Cross” by Carl Sigismund Walther is the altar painting. A crucifix, flowers, The Bible, communion dishes and a candlestick with candles lay on the altar.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The heart of count Erich Friedrich Magnus Dietrich Stenbock who died in Germany in the year 1861 was bricked into the southern wall of the choral room.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The vestry – a small room adjoining with the choral room that is used for preparing liturgical procedures and for storing items necessary for church services.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The eastern rose window from the inside.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
Stained glass depicting the German religious reformer Martin Luther.
Photo: ©Sulev Valdmaa, 2010

Stained glass depicting the German religious reformer Philipp Melanchthon.
Photo: ©Sulev Valdmaa, 2010

The pulpit of the Church of Kuusalu. The late renaissance pulpit that covers its beautiful polychromy under a coat of oil paint was made in Tallinn by the carpenter and carver Adam Pampe or one of his apprentices. The pulpit is decorated by the four evangelists: Mathew (symbol – the angel), Mark (symbol – the lion), Luke (symbol – the ox), John (symbol – the eagle).
Photo: ©Sulev Valdmaa, 2010

An arch, a ceiling construction covering the whole room, leaning on a wall or an impost.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010

The northern nave of the Church of Kuusalu.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010

A Chandelier.
Photo: ©Sulev Valdmaa, 2010

A table with the list of vicars of the Church of Kuusalu (beginning from the Reformation).
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The glorious carved epitaph coat of arms conserved in the southern nave.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010

The northern side of the transept of the Church of Kuusalu.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010

The southern side of the transept of the Church of Kuusalu..
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The organ balcony.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The organ of the Church of Kuusalu. Hugo Lepnurm has played it, for example.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The baroque spire of the Church of Kuusalu was made in 1760.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The bell of the Church of Kuusalu was cast in Tallinn by Gottwerth Koerner in 1759. It is supposedly a gift from count Stenbock of Kolga.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
The view from the belfry of the Church of Kuusalu.
Photo: ©Sulev Valdmaa, 2010

The descent from the belfry of the Church of Kuusalu.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010
A weathercock on the roof of the Church of Kuusalu.
Photo: ©Heiki Haljasorg, 2010